Plans are afoot to relaunch one of the most celebrated days in the banding calendar, the Scarborough Open. The contest started in 1742 but was cancelled after the 1987 event when a fight outside the Lame Lamb public house resulted in the death of a baritone player from Snibsford Concert Band.
The man behind the ambitious project is local councillor and brass band fanatic Trevor Dunce. Trevor told the Ainley Top Bandstand, "Plans are well underway to relaunch this firm favourite amongst banding folk. The tragic events of 1987 are behind us now and the Council is slowly coming round to the idea. I have already secured an area next to the traffic lights at the end of Gisbourne Road where the contest might take place".
The event may have to rely on local support such as that offered by Ray Warriner of Ray's Fishing Tackle, who said, "I have known Trevor for 18 months and his enthusiasm for brass bands is legendary. To relaunch the Scarborough Open would be a massive boost to tourism in the area and hopefully bring in a few more amateur fishermen. Okay, that guy got killed but let's move on. I've put up £50 towards prize money and my brother has a marquee we can erect alongside the traffic lights so the bands don't get pissed on if it rains. The message is, full steam ahead Scarborough!"
Lady Mayoress Marjorie Claghorn added, "Scarborough is a lovely little part of the world. It is full of quaint little novelty shops where you can buy inflatable animals upon which your children can be swept out into the North Sea. I would urge local businesses to get behind this idea and bring the fun back to the town!"