Sunday, 16 December 2012

More of your Letters!

From the Marston Dam disaster to the Registry via the Rotherham Recluse this is where we really whip you up into a frenzy by hand-picking only the most controversial letters that should whip up even more site traffic for us and encourage sponsors to strart getting on board! And there's also someone slagging off the Windermere Colliery Band! Go on, keep logging on, it all happens here!

Laughton Verdant should check his facts! If he did he would see that Talulah Hodgkiss guested with the Wrigby Wrought Iron Band in the 1930's. So she almost certainly played with an all-male band before what he claimed was 1953!
Jebson Oldright
I can't stress enough how disappointed I was to be in attendance at the Windermere Colliery Band's recent concert at the St. Plasgo Assembly Halls, Nubert-on-Sea. It was obvious to me and several others amongst the crowd of forty two that a couple of players walked onto the stage with slightly wonky bow ties. One of them, we suspect, wasn't even a member of the band. Yes, my wife and I paid £7.50 to listen to a borrowed player! Then they went on to perform the tired, lame old programme that was clearly advertised on the posters that were up when my wife and I bought our tickets! To say we were disappointed is no longer dramatic enough. I would say hang your heads in shame Winderwere Colliery Band and also we may still sue you if we find a solicitor who will take it on.
Brian & Mary Taunton
St. Saviour-on-the-Well

So here we are again! Brass banding has sold it's soul down the river with the Registry mess we've gotten ourselves into. As a pompous know-it-all I will simply say, I told you so!
Nigel Sayso
Is it true that if I can't be bothered with this Registry thing and don't get myself a registration card from any of them then I won't have to do any more fucking contests?
Gary Player
(Name and Address supplied)
It is very rare that I feel the need to put my thoughts down in writing but, having read your recent Editorial, I finally found the need to send you a letter.
Margaret Mustoe