Thursday, 6 December 2012

Singley Sign Token Black Man!

The Singley-on-the-Wold Band has announced that they have signed a stereotypical black man.

Band chairperson Margaret Clements said, "It all started with that dreadful business at the Marston Moor Contest. We will state categorically as a band, going on the record and all that, that what Mason Maudsley and Maudsley Mason did at that event was shocking, obscene and vile".

"However, we also know that all that stuff blew up because of bands being old-fashioned, that was all. Then we had a committee meeting and decided that one man's old-fashioned was another man's racism".

"All of a sudden we looked round and realised that the Singley-on-the-Wold Band was made up of members who were predominantly white. Well, go on then, everybody was white. All of a sudden we weren't just old-fashioned any more, we were racist!"

"To combat this, and to also secure continued funding from the local council, we have signed a stereotypical black man".