Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Trappings of Success for Clayton!

The Clayton Fylingdales Band have announced the appointment of the young-ish but still vastly experienced Simon Trappings as musical director.

Band spokeswheel Brian Pendragon said, "He was the only applicant. We are all very excited that he will now be standing in front of the band at next year's Whitby & District Area Contest. Hopefully we will finally be able to push the Robins Hood Bay Band, who have qualified from our Area for the last 87 years virtually unchallenged".

Trappings said, "I left University with a conducting degree and set myself some life goals, so as to pace my progression to the unltimate goal. Whilst I have waited almost 10 years for my first conducting job, despite applying for countless of them, a job like this was ironically first on my list! This is definitely my first step on the banding property ladder and I am countlessly excited!"