Monday, 3 December 2012

Registration UK Draw Battle Lines!

Registration UK, the new organisation hastily put together with little thought in order to interfere in the ongoing registration debate, has drawn its battle lines in the sand.

Chairman Hector Dooley said, "We don't really undertstand what is going on. Indeed, many of our members don't really care. However, it is clear that distinct and clear action is needed, and needed fast. As a result we will be sending a hastily cobbled together questionnaire to every band we can think of asking for their feedback. We believe this is a clear statement of intent on our part to continue meddling needlessly in this rather shabby affair".

Bands are asked to canvass members and return their completed questionnaires by last Wednesday at the latest. Dooley said, "It is vital we get this feedback ahead of our Very Important Strategy Meeting to be held on 12th December at a secret location on the first floor of Cudworth Pigeon Fanciers Social Club".

It should be a cracking tit-for-tat shambles.