Thursday 22 November 2012

Best of Youth for Tuppery!

The Tuppery & Sneedsdale Band may or may not be starting a youth band to carry the torch of the now famous champion band through into the next generation!

Newly-appointed Band Spin Doctor Emily Faberge said, "What we realised was that after our outstanding victory at the Flingthorpe Open there was an upsurge in interest in the Band. Now that interest is starting to die down I must, as Spin Doctor, find ways of continuing to send you news of developments at this thriving, ambitious and successful organisation!"

"What we have decided is that we may form a youth band, because that always strikes a note of resonance within the banding community. It will rely on sponsorship and funding, I mean, who wants to stand around on a Saturday morning teaching kids these days if there isn't some kind of personal reward involved?"

"But, if we can secure the funding we can get this youth band off the ground. We can give something back! However, without the funding, it will be a non-starter. It has never been more important for the local council to heavily subside this venture and I implore them to act now before it is too late!"