Tuesday 20 November 2012

Hark At The Racket

Monty Fanshawe is back this Friday on Diggle FM at 9.30pm. In the aftermath of the Brass Bands Laikin Championship he has vowed a return to traditional brass band fare.

Monty told the Bandstand, "Brass banders, be they audience or player, need the same old shit. It is this tradition of playing tired old music that holds us together as a movement, if you will. So my show this week will be dedicated to the same old music that we, as a movement, always play and listen to!"

Upcoming amongst the tradition, it will exploit:-

March: The Gay Cavalier [Bridgestone Tyre Works Band]
Overture: Claude et Besancon [The Hovis Bread Band]
May I Touch You Midst the Girdle [Fenton Fornicott Band - soloist Minton Platting]
Softly Gently [Torbay Steelworks Band]
Touring the Castle [Carshalton Cartiledges Band]
Rape, Is It a Dirty Word? [Pasadena Ironworks Band - soloist Gemima Gunthwaite]
Stop Norman, My Wife is on Fire [The Band of the Horbury Hussars]