Saturday 24 November 2012

Orangina Bid Au Revoir to UK!

Fresh from their unashamedly misapprehended victory at last weekend's Brass Bands Laikin Championship, the Pointneuf Orangina Band bid a fond farewell to the UK tonight with a farewell concert in Dover Band Club before bidding farewell and rushing to catch their ferry.

The Band replayed their winning programme from the contest, to the delight of the Dover hardcore:-

March: Je Suis Desolee
Overture: Fuck You Agincourt
Je Voudrez Votre Chute-du-Merde [soloist Henry-Paul Lecombre]
Le Titty-Bum-Bum du Jardinaire
Mon Dieu! Votre Cock Framboise est Rancide [soloist Emilie du Pompadou]
Le Grande Orgasme du Napoleon et Josephine's Sister

The Band then hurriedly packed their gear away amongst many a fond farewell and some of that stupid kissing on either cheek when what you really want is to slip a cheeky finger in, before dashing off for their ferry home still clutching their Gallic fingers around the now garlic-flavoured famous old trophy.

One thing is for sure, there is certain of our so-called top entertainment bands what will be glad to see the back of them, and that is certainly for certain!