Saturday 14 July 2012

July Quiz: Who Is This?...

In this month's quiz we are asking you to name this well known banding celebrity. It would be easy just to show the celebrity wearing a disguise or slightly unusual clothes, so to make it a bit harder (you see what we did there) here is a picture of him (and it is a him, obviously) with his lady-charmers out at the recent Snibston (Lord Lucan) Contest.

As a clue, he was celebrating a win that day for his band and decided to get his spam javelin and coconuts out in the bar, at which point our Malcolm dropped on his knees to take this photograph.

As a further clue, this sight should be well known to that 14 year old cornet player from Tantalus (Its Got Our Name On It.........Wickes) Band who nearly got him banged up.

Answers to the usual address (that doesn't exist) by Friday 37th of August. The winner will receive £7.42 in used coins, a signed CD of On The Promenade by the Dewberry-on-Sea Band and a copy of the statement that 14 year old girl was due to make in court before she was bullied out of appearing and so getting him cleared of any wrongdoing.

It should be a cracking quiz.