Tuesday 10 July 2012

Windermere Announce Announcement

The Windermere Colliery Band have announced that they will shortly be making an announcement about a forthcoming and very important announcement.

Band Manager Claude Toblerone told us, "There has been a lot of speculation from several people on the grapevine about an announcement and I think it only fair to tell our fans around the world that there will indeed be an announcement and this is the first announcement of that forthcoming announcement. Rest assured this is a big one so we didn't just want to announce it when it happened, we thought we'd announce that a further announcement is imminent just as soon as we can finalise the details of the next announcement".

Those who remember the film Brass Tacks (it was once shown on the QVC Banding Channel at 3am on a Thursday) will remember that Windermere Colliery was closed in 1978. Though it was originally successful, the powers-that-be finally realised the stupidity of building a colliery underneath a lake.

That same year the band competed at the Ambleside Open and won it, followed round by a man with a camera from the Thurlmere Gazette. Although not a remarkable achievement in banding terms the band celebrated by riding around Westmorland on an open top bus playing Aces High.

Brass Tacks veteran Simon Samsung said, "There were literally people in the street watching us. Thinking about it now it still brings a tear to my eye. Is this £200 for the interview or what? Only your mate said over the phone...."

Claude confirmed, "There will be an announcement shortly following this announcement to do with the forthcoming announcement. When we are ready to announce the announcement, which will be preceded by another announcement, we will finally announce the announcement. It won't be announced until we have worked out how to announce the announcement and we are still finalising the details of the announcement that will follow this announcement".

It should be a cracking announcement.